由于可能干扰证人,法官考虑撤销丽贝卡·格罗斯曼在监狱中的电话特权。 Judge to consider revoking Rebecca Grossman's phone privileges in jail due to potential witness tampering.
法官将听取检方要求撤销丽贝卡·格罗斯曼在监狱中的电话特权的请求,此前丽贝卡·格罗斯曼因谋杀和其他罪名而被定罪,该车祸导致西湖村两名小男孩死亡。 Judge to hear prosecution's request to revoke Rebecca Grossman's phone privileges in jail following her conviction for murder and other counts in a fatal crash that killed two young boys in Westlake Village. 检察官指控格罗斯曼被捕后,曾利用电话进行干扰证人和非法行为。 Prosecutors allege Grossman has used calls to potentially engage in witness tampering and illegal conduct since her arrest. 格罗斯曼被判犯有二级谋杀罪、车辆过失杀人罪和肇事逃逸罪。 Grossman was found guilty of second-degree murder, vehicular manslaughter, and hit-and-run charges.