印度在非洲和澳大利亚寻求铜、钴和锂等关键矿产。 India seeks critical minerals like copper, cobalt, and lithium in Africa and Australia.
印度矿业部长 V.L. India's Mines Secretary V.L. Kantha Rao透露,印度正在非洲寻找铜、钴和其他关键矿产,同时还与澳大利亚就锂块进行接触。 Kantha Rao revealed that India is seeking minerals like copper, cobalt, and other critical minerals in Africa, while also engaging with Australia for lithium blocks. 这些关键矿物,包括锂和钴,对于技术和制造业至关重要。 These critical minerals, including lithium and cobalt, are essential for technology and manufacturing industries.