都柏林机场运营商 DAA 收购机场附近的一个大型停车场的交易因垄断问题而被 CCPC 阻止。 Dublin Airport operator DAA's acquisition of a large car park near the airport is blocked by CCPC over monopoly concerns.
都柏林机场运营商 DAA 竞标购买机场附近可容纳 6,200 辆汽车的停车场,但遭到竞争和消费者保护委员会 (CCPC) 的阻止,因为担心这会导致价格上涨和消费者服务质量下降。 Dublin Airport operator DAA's bid to buy a 6,200-car capacity car park near the airport has been blocked by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) over concerns it would lead to higher prices and lower service quality for consumers. CCPC 表示,该交易将导致 DAA 在都柏林机场服务的公共停车场上拥有近乎垄断的地位。 The CCPC stated that the deal would result in DAA essentially having a near monopoly in public car parking serving Dublin Airport. DAA 目前拥有并经营为机场服务的所有其他大型停车场。 DAA currently owns and operates all other large car parks serving the airport.