Capcom 的《龙之信条 2》因其微交易而受到批评,Steam 上的用户评价褒贬不一。 Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 faces criticism for its microtransactions, drawing mixed user reviews on Steam.
《龙之教条 2》在 Steam 上发布时用户评价褒贬不一,该游戏因其微交易而受到玩家的批评,其中包括 2 美元的外观更改和 1 美元的快速复活唤醒石。 Dragon's Dogma 2, released with mixed user reviews on Steam, faces criticism from players for its microtransactions, including a $2 appearance change and $1 Wakestones for quick resurrections. 玩家可以购买游戏内的稀有物品进行打磨,而微交易则提供了替代方案。 Players can purchase in-game rarity items for grinding, while microtransactions offer alternatives. Capcom 承认玩家的担忧,并正在研究解决方案,包括评估整体性能和调查崩溃情况。 Capcom acknowledges player concerns and is working on solutions, including assessing overall performance and investigating crashes.