36 岁的得克萨斯州男子史蒂文·斯皮纳尔 (Steven Spinale) 在严重脓毒症和器官衰竭中幸存下来,在去除内生毛发后,存活率只有 4%。 36-year-old Texas man Steven Spinale survived severe sepsis, organ failure, and 4% survival chance after ingrown hair removal.
36 岁的德克萨斯州史蒂文·斯皮纳尔 (Steven Spinale) 在一次因尝试去除内生毛发而引发的严重医疗考验中幸存下来,这次试验导致严重败血症、器官衰竭,生存率只有 4%。 36-year-old Steven Spinale of Texas survived a critical medical ordeal triggered by an attempt to remove an ingrown hair, which led to severe sepsis, organ failure, and a 4% survival chance. 尽管出现了包括双重肺炎和急性呼吸窘迫综合征在内的危及生命的并发症,史蒂文还是从三周的昏迷中苏醒,脑部没有受到损伤,并且已经取得了显着的康复。 Despite life-threatening complications including double pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome, Steven emerged from a three-week coma without brain damage and has made a remarkable recovery.