40 岁的《加冕街》女演员蒂娜·奥布莱恩向警方报告了一起与少女打架的无端事件。 40-year-old Coronation Street actress Tina O'Brien reported an unprovoked incident involving a fight with teenage girls to the police.
40 岁的《加冕街》女演员蒂娜·奥布莱恩 (Tina O'Brien) 饰演莎拉·普拉特 (Sarah Platt),她在斯托克波特的家外发生了一起“无端事件”,并向警方报案。 40-year-old Coronation Street actress Tina O'Brien, who plays Sarah Platt, reported an "unprovoked incident" to the police after it occurred outside her home in Stockport. 这起事件发生在上周五晚上,奥布莱恩的代表证实,这位女演员介入了一场涉及少女的打斗。 The incident happened last Friday evening, with O'Brien's representative confirming that the actress intervened in a fight involving teenage girls. 大曼彻斯特警方正在调查同一时间和地点的袭击报告,但尚未逮捕任何人。 Greater Manchester Police are investigating the assault report from the same time and place but have made no arrests yet.