北拉斯维加斯马丁路德金大道发生RTC巴士与本田雅阁相撞事故,造成1人死亡、4人受伤。 1 person died, 4 injured in RTC bus-Honda Accord crash on Martin Luther King Blvd, North Las Vegas.
北拉斯维加斯发生一起 RTC 巴士与本田雅阁相撞事故,造成 1 人死亡、4 人受伤。 One person died and four were injured in a crash involving an RTC bus and a Honda Accord in North Las Vegas. 这起事件发生在马丁·路德·金大道和 Broad Arrow Drive 交界处,当时一辆本田雅阁追尾了正在公交车站减速的公交车。 The incident occurred on Martin Luther King Boulevard and Broad Arrow Drive when the Honda Accord rear-ended the bus, which was slowing down at a bus stop. 死者据信40岁出头,被宣布当场死亡。 The deceased, believed to be in his early 40s, was pronounced dead at the scene. 马丁·路德·金大道南行仍因正在进行的调查而关闭。 Southbound Martin Luther King Boulevard remains closed for the ongoing investigation.