2006 年,孟买警官普拉迪普·夏尔马 (Pradeep Sharma) 因假冒遭遇杀害拉姆纳拉扬·古普塔 (Ramnarayan Gupta) 被孟买高等法院定罪终身,这是印度首次此类定罪。 2006 Mumbai police officer Pradeep Sharma convicted by Bombay High Court for life in fake encounter killing of Ramnarayan Gupta, first such conviction in India.
孟买前警官普拉迪普·夏尔马 (Pradeep Sharma) 因参与 2006 年假冒遭遇杀害拉姆纳拉延·古普塔 (Ramnarayan Gupta) 事件,被孟买高等法院定罪并判处终身监禁。 Former Mumbai police officer Pradeep Sharma was convicted by the Bombay High Court and sentenced to life imprisonment for his involvement in the 2006 fake encounter killing of Ramnarayan Gupta, an alleged close aide of gangster Chhota Rajan. 这是印度首次因假遭遇案而对警察定罪。 This is the first conviction of police officers in a fake encounter case in India. 夏尔马最初于 2013 年被无罪释放,但高等法院认为初审法官的无罪判决“有悖常理”且“站不住脚”。 Sharma was initially acquitted in 2013, but the high court deemed the trial judge's acquittal finding as "perverse" and "unsustainable". 法院还维持了对其他 13 名被告的无期徒刑判决,其中包括 12 名警察。 The court also upheld the life imprisonment sentences for 13 other accused, including 12 police personnel.