艾默代尔的阿米特·夏尔马面临危险,埃里克·波拉德在文尼·丁格尔的帮助下调查他的活动。 Emmerdale's Amit Sharma faces danger as Eric Pollard investigates his activities, aided by Vinny Dingle.
艾默代尔的阿米特·夏尔马下周将面临危险,埃里克·波拉德对他的活动产生了怀疑,并发誓要揭开阿米特的秘密。 Emmerdale's Amit Sharma faces danger next week as Eric Pollard grows suspicious of his activities and vows to uncover Amit's secrets. 收到阿米特的警告后,波拉德在文尼·丁格尔的帮助下搜查霍尔德盖特农场寻找证据。 After receiving a warning from Amit, Pollard enlists Vinny Dingle's help to search Holdgate Farm for evidence. 当波拉德进行调查时,他走过阿米特的兄弟里希去世的地方,这加剧了紧张局势,并将两个角色置于危险之中。 As Pollard investigates, he walks past the spot where Amit's brother Rishi had passed away, raising tensions and putting both characters in danger.