坦帕湾光芒队外野手乔什·洛因斜伤在赛季开始时进入伤病名单;没有返回时间表。 Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Josh Lowe starts season on injured list due to oblique injury; no return timetable.
据《坦帕湾时报》报道,坦帕湾光芒队外野手乔什·洛因斜伤将在本赛季开始时进入伤病名单。 Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Josh Lowe will start the season on the injured list due to an oblique injury, according to the Tampa Bay Times. 目前还没有透露他的回归时间表,这是继强尼·德卢卡手部骨折后短时间内对光芒队外野深度的第二次打击。 No timetable for his return has been revealed, and this is the second blow to the Rays' outfield depth in a short period after Jonny DeLuca fractured his hand. 洛在 2022 年赛季表现出色,在 135 场比赛中打出 20 个本垒打和 83 个打点,同时盗垒 32 个。 Lowe had a strong 2022 season, hitting 20 home runs and 83 RBIs while stealing 32 bases in 135 games.