韩国总统尹在民主峰会上警告基于人工智能的假新闻威胁,敦促各国分享利用人工智能促进民主的经验和智慧。 South Korean President Yoon warns of AI-based fake news threats at Summit for Democracy, urging countries to share experiences and wisdom on using AI for democracy.
韩国总统尹锡烈在英国、欧盟和美国高级官员出席的民主峰会上警告称,基于人工智能的假新闻和虚假信息对民主国家构成威胁。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has warned of AI-based fake news and disinformation threats to democracies at the Summit for Democracy, attended by senior officials from the UK, EU, and US. 尹呼吁各国分享经验和智慧,利用人工智能和技术促进民主。 Yoon called for countries to share experiences and wisdom to use AI and technology to promote democracy. 国家之间的技术差距是一个重大挑战,导致一些国家在经济繁荣和民主进步方面落后。 Technological disparity between countries is a major challenge that contributes to some countries falling behind in economic prosperity and democratic progress. 为期三天的会议将重点讨论数字对民主的威胁以及技术在促进普遍人权方面的作用。 The three-day conference will focus on digital threats to democracy and the role of technology in fostering universal human rights.