加纳的塞地是非洲表现第三差的货币,尽管国际货币基金组织提供了 30 亿美元的救助,但其兑美元汇率仍下跌 7%。 Ghana's cedi is Africa's third-worst performing currency, losing 7% against the dollar despite a $3bn IMF bailout.
加纳的塞地是今年非洲表现第三差的货币,尽管国际货币基金组织提供了 30 亿美元的救助,但其兑美元汇率仍下跌了 7% 以上。 Ghana's cedi is Africa's third-worst performing currency this year, losing over 7% against the dollar despite a $3bn IMF bailout. 分析师预测,由于欧洲债券持有人的债务重组,欧元进一步走软,引发了对通胀和实体部门经济的担忧。 Analysts predict further weakening due to debt restructuring with Eurobond holders, raising concerns about inflation and the real sector economy. 加纳的国际储备仍然不足以捍卫本币,预计今年经济增长 2.8%,高于去年的 2.3%。 Ghana's international reserves remain insufficient to defend the currency, with the economy projected to grow 2.8% this year, up from 2.3% last year.