宾利的收入下降了 13%,但客户为每辆车花费了 39,000 欧元的选装件以增强个性化。 Bentley's revenue drops 13%, but customers spend €39,000 on options per car for increased personalization.
豪华汽车制造商宾利 (Bentley) 发现客户在每辆车上花费 39,000 欧元购买选装件,因为他们寻求更多的个性化和定制化服务。 Luxury carmaker Bentley sees customers splashing out €39,000 on options per car, as they seek increased personalisation and customisation. 这一转变是在宾利决定倾向于定制而不是降低产品线复杂性之后发生的。 This shift comes after Bentley decided to lean into customisation rather than reducing product line complexity. 该公司的收入下降 13% 至 29.3 亿欧元,利润率下降,反映出个性化和定制选项增加的趋势。 The company's revenue fell 13% to €2.93bn with profit margins drifting lower, reflecting the trend towards increased personalisation and bespoke options.