18 岁的西海岸状元新秀哈利·里德 (Harley Reid) 首次亮相,尽管球队输给了阿德莱德港,但仍受到主教练亚当斯的称赞。 18-year-old West Coast top draftee Harley Reid debuts, praised by coach Adams, despite team's loss to Port Adelaide.
18 岁的西海岸状元秀哈雷·里德 (Harley Reid) 首次亮相 AFL,教练亚当·辛普森 (Adam Simpson) 称赞了他的表现。 18-year-old Harley Reid, the top draftee for West Coast, made his AFL debut, with coach Adam Simpson praising his performance. 尽管球队输给了阿德莱德港队 50 分,但里德已经证明了自己作为最受好评的新秀之一的地位。 Reid showed signs of justifying his status as one of the most highly-rated draftees, despite the team's 50-point loss to Port Adelaide. 辛普森相信里德已经在球场上找到了他的“快乐位置”,他们将继续探索不同的策略来部署他。 Simpson believes Reid has found his "happy place" on the field, and they will continue to explore different strategies for deploying him.