48 岁的托德·哈夫 (Todd Huff) 在弗吉尼亚州弗洛伊德县发生的一场未戴头盔、未系安全带的全地形车事故中丧生。 48-year-old Todd Huff died in a helmet-less, seatbelt-less ATV crash in Floyd County, Virginia.
48 岁的托德·纳撒尼尔·赫夫 (Todd Nathanial Huff) 在弗吉尼亚州弗洛伊德县印第安谷邮局路发生致命 ATV 事故后死亡。 48-year-old Todd Nathanial Huff died after a fatal ATV crash in Floyd County, Virginia, on Indian Valley Post Office Road. 弗吉尼亚州警方正在调查这起发生在晚上 7 点的事件。周六。 The Virginia State Police are investigating the incident, which occurred at 7 p.m. on Saturday. 哈夫驾驶的是一辆加美欧蓝德,他没有系安全带或头盔,在车辆冲出道路、撞上树木并冲下路堤后,他被从车上弹出。 Huff, who was driving a Can-Am Outlander, did not wear a seatbelt or helmet and was ejected from the vehicle after it ran off the road, hit trees, and went down an embankment.