31 岁的阿维纳什·丹维 (Avinash Dhanve) 是一名多起刑事案件的男子,他在印度浦那的一家餐厅遭到枪杀和黑客攻击,闭路电视拍摄到了一次帮派竞争袭击事件。 31-year-old Avinash Dhanve, a man with multiple criminal cases, was fatally shot and hacked at a restaurant in Pune, India, in a gang rivalry attack caught on CCTV.
31岁的阿维纳什·丹维(Avinash Dhanve)是一名多起刑事案件的男子,他在印度浦那的一家餐厅被枪杀并被砍死。 31-year-old Avinash Dhanve, a man with multiple criminal cases, was fatally shot and hacked to death at a restaurant in Pune, India. 这次袭击涉及八名袭击者,闭路电视录像记录了这起袭击事件,该录像已用于识别袭击者的身份。 The attack, involving eight assailants, was caught on CCTV footage, which has been used to identify the attackers. 这起事件似乎是帮派斗争的结果。 The incident appears to be the result of gang rivalry. 警方正在调查此案,并已成立小组逮捕嫌疑人。 Police are investigating the case and have formed teams to apprehend the suspects.