3 月 17 日,第 5 频道和第 5 频道高清频道播出“伦敦塔内部”,报道白金禧庆典并重点介绍皇家纪念品销售和尼古拉斯·霍顿将军的退休。 17 March, Channel 5 and Channel 5 HD air "Inside the Tower of London," covering the Platinum Jubilee and featuring royal memorabilia sales and General Lord Nicholas Houghton's retirement.
Channel 5 和 Channel 5 HD 将于 3 月 17 日播出“伦敦塔内部”,重点报道白金禧周末和伊丽莎白二世登基 70 周年。 Channel 5 and Channel 5 HD will broadcast "Inside the Tower of London" on 17 March, featuring the Platinum Jubilee weekend and Elizabeth II's 70th year on the throne. 该特别节目将展示塔楼礼品店的销售情况,皇家超级粉丝艾伦·琼斯出售周年纪念纪念品,以及高级官员尼古拉斯·霍顿勋爵的退休,他回顾了他在这座历史建筑中的时光。 The special will showcase the Tower's gift shop sales, with royal superfan Allen Jones selling Jubilee memorabilia, and the retirement of senior official General the Lord Nicholas Houghton, who reflects on his time in the historic building.