Just Eat UK 应用程序在周五晚上遇到技术问题,导致外卖订单无法下达。 Just Eat UK app experienced technical issues on Friday night, preventing takeaway order placement.
Just Eat UK 周五晚上遇到技术问题,导致应用程序用户无法下外卖订单。 Just Eat UK faced technical issues on Friday night, causing app users to be unable to place takeaway orders. 该问题于下午 5 点左右开始,许多客户在社交媒体上报告了该问题。 The problem began around 5pm, with numerous customers reporting the issue on social media. Just Eat 已对给您带来的不便表示歉意,并正在努力解决该问题。 Just Eat has apologized for the inconvenience and is working to fix the issue. 该公司上个月报告称,英国和爱尔兰业务势头强劲,利润预计将上升。 The company reported strong momentum in the UK and Ireland last month, with expectations for a rise in profits.