一名法官命令一位特别主管监督加州一所有性虐待历史的联邦女子监狱。 A judge orders a special master to oversee a California federal women's prison with a history of sexual abuse.
经过长达数年的调查,一名法官已命令一名特别主管监督加州联邦女子监狱,该监狱因性虐待猖獗而闻名。 A judge has ordered a special master to oversee a California federal women's prison known for rampant sexual abuse after a years-long investigation. 都柏林联邦惩教所面临审查,这标志着联邦监狱局首次接受此类设施的监督。 The Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin has faced scrutiny, and this marks the first time the federal Bureau of Prisons has been subject to such oversight of a facility. 该监狱关押着 600 多名女囚犯,一直是 FBI 调查的重点。 The prison houses over 600 female inmates and has been the focus of an FBI investigation.