前朴茨茅斯警官亚伦·古德温(Aaron Goodwin)和兄弟姐妹被指控对银行高管马马杜·登贝莱(Mamadou Dembele)进行简单袭击,涉嫌种族歧视。 Former Portsmouth police officer Aaron Goodwin, along with siblings, charged with simple assault in alleged racist attack on bank executive Mamadou Dembele.
前朴茨茅斯警官亚伦·古德温 (Aaron Goodwin) 及其兄弟凯文·古德温 (Kevin Goodwin) 和香农·古德温 (Shannon Goodwin) 因涉嫌在新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯的一家餐馆对银行高管马马杜·登贝莱 (Mamadou Dembele) 进行种族主义袭击而被指控犯有简单袭击罪。 Former Portsmouth police officer Aaron Goodwin, along with his brother Kevin Goodwin and Shannon Goodwin, have been charged with simple assault in connection with an alleged racist attack on Mamadou Dembele, a bank executive, at a diner in Portsmouth, NH. 古德温此前曾于 2015 年被警察局解雇,原因是他涉嫌影响一名患有精神障碍的老年妇女将财产留给他。 Goodwin was previously fired from the police department in 2015 for allegedly influencing an elderly, mentally impaired woman to leave her estate to him.