克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)不是中本聪,驳斥了他作为比特币发明者的说法。 Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, dismissing his claims to be Bitcoin's inventor.
英国高等法院裁定澳大利亚计算机科学家克雷格·赖特不是比特币的化名创造者中本聪。 The UK High Court has ruled that Australian computer scientist Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. 加密货币开放专利联盟 (COPA) 起诉了自称是比特币发明者和 2008 年比特币白皮书作者的赖特。 The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) sued Wright, who had claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin and the author of the 2008 Bitcoin white paper. 詹姆斯·梅勒法官驳回了赖特的主张,称所提供的证据“压倒性地”支持他的决定。 Judge James Mellor dismissed Wright's claims, stating that the evidence presented "overwhelmingly" supports his decision. 该裁决可能会影响另一起诉讼,赖特被指控侵犯 26 家开发商的知识产权。 The ruling may impact a separate lawsuit in which Wright is accused of infringing on the intellectual property rights of 26 developers.