由于森林火灾风险高和环境问题,维多利亚州东北部 Dederang 的居民反对 Mint Renewables 和天合光能的电池存储系统计划。 Residents in northeast Victoria's Dederang oppose battery storage system plans by Mint Renewables and Trina Solar due to high bushfire risk and environmental concerns.
维多利亚州东北部的 Dederang 居民反对 Mint Renewables 和天合光能在丛林火灾风险高的地区建造电池存储系统的计划。 Dederang residents in northeast Victoria oppose plans by Mint Renewables and Trina Solar to build battery storage systems in an area with high bushfire risk. 维多利亚州政府对可再生能源项目的快速推进,包括取消维多利亚州民事和行政法庭的第三方上诉权,引发了当地人对电池火灾潜在火灾风险和环境破坏的担忧。 The Victorian government's fast-tracking of renewable energy projects, including removing third-party appeal rights in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, has sparked concerns among locals about potential fire risks and environmental damage from battery fires.