改编自百老汇音乐剧的《恋恋笔记本》以非传统演员阵容开场,重点讲述诺亚和艾莉的爱情故事。 "The Notebook's" Broadway musical adaptation opens with a non-traditional cast, focusing on Noah and Allie's love story.
音乐改编剧《恋恋笔记本》在百老汇上演,演员阵容非传统,改编自尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯的畅销小说和 2004 年电影中的爱情故事。 "The Notebook" musical adaptation opens on Broadway with a non-traditional cast, adapting the love story from Nicholas Sparks' bestselling novel and the 2004 film. 这部音乐剧由三组演员扮演不同人生阶段的角色,重点讲述诺亚和艾莉之间的爱情故事。 The musical features three sets of actors portraying the characters at different stages of their lives, with an emphasis on the love story between Noah and Allie. 然而,评论家认为这本书和歌词没有给人留下深刻的印象,而且该剧可能达不到电影的受欢迎程度。 However, critics argue that the book and lyrics are underwhelming, and the show may not live up to the popularity of the film.