FX 电视台的《熊》第 3 季和第 4 季将在芝加哥拍摄,第 4 季的续订尚未正式确定。 FX's "The Bear" set to film seasons 3 and 4 in Chicago, with season 4 renewal unofficial.
据报道,继第三季和第四季在芝加哥连续拍摄之后,Hulu 上的屡获殊荣的 FX 喜剧系列《熊》将回归第三季和第四季。 The Bear, an award-winning FX on Hulu comedy series, is reportedly set to return for a third and fourth season, following the back-to-back filming of seasons 3 and 4 in Chicago. 尽管第四季的续订尚未正式宣布,但 Deadline 指出,芝加哥当地媒体开始出现关于《熊》在第三季之后拍摄额外剧集的讨论。 Although the season 4 renewal has not been officially announced, Deadline noted that conversations about The Bear filming additional episodes beyond season 3 began to appear in local Chicago outlets.