A24 与 IMAX 合作推出每月放映系列,在 IMAX 银幕上放映 A24 广受好评的电影,从 3 月 27 日的《机械姬》开始。 A24 partners with IMAX for a monthly screening series, featuring A24's critically acclaimed films on IMAX screens, starting March 27 with 'Ex Machina'.
A24 与 IMAX 合作每月放映系列节目,从 3 月 27 日开始,《机械姬》将在美国和国际各地的 300 个 IMAX 银幕上放映。 A24 partners with IMAX for monthly screening series, starting March 27 with 'Ex Machina' on 300 IMAX screens across the US and international locations. 该系列将在 IMAX 银幕上放映 A24 广受好评的电影,包括 4 月 24 日的《遗传厄运》和 5 月 22 日的《原钻》。 The series will feature A24's critically acclaimed films on IMAX screens, including 'Hereditary' on April 24 and 'Uncut Gems' on May 22. 此次合作旨在为粉丝在 IMAX 银幕上提供 A24 最紧张、最激烈的电影的身临其境体验。 The collaboration aims to provide fans with an immersive experience of A24's most stressful and intense movies on IMAX screens.