贾坎德邦州长呼吁“第 370 条”电影免税,理由是爱国主义和改善克什米尔局势。 Jharkhand Governor calls for 'Article 370' film tax-free, citing patriotism and improving Kashmir situation.
贾坎德邦州长 C P Radhakrishnan 呼吁电影《第 370 条》在该邦免税,并表示这样一部爱国电影应该免税。 Jharkhand Governor C P Radhakrishnan has called for the film 'Article 370' to be made tax-free in the state, stating that such a patriotic movie should receive tax exemption. 该片聚焦克什米尔政府反恐斗争,于2月23日在全国上映。 The film, which focuses on the government's fight against terrorism in Kashmir, was released nationwide on February 23. 拉达克里希南指出,随着旅游业和经济的增长,克什米尔正在恢复和平与发展。 Radhakrishnan noted that peace and development are returning to Kashmir, with tourism and the economy growing.