2003 年内阁文件显示,澳大利亚预计不会参与伊拉克入侵后的维和或重建工作。 2003 cabinet documents reveal Australia did not anticipate contributing to peacekeeping or reconstruction in Iraq post-invasion.
新解密的 2003 年内阁文件显示,澳大利亚联邦内阁预计不会为 2003 年入侵伊拉克后的维和或重建工作做出贡献。 Newly declassified 2003 cabinet documents reveal that the Australian federal cabinet did not expect to contribute to peacekeeping or reconstruction efforts in Iraq following the 2003 invasion. 在美国领导的冲突发生前两周,内阁同意在初步军事努力后不再为维和行动提供部队。 Two weeks before the US-led conflict, the cabinet agreed not to provide troops for peacekeeping efforts after initial military efforts. 这些文件揭示了澳大利亚参与伊拉克战争之前的决策过程。 The documents shed light on the decision-making process before Australia's involvement in the Iraq War.