在州长的支持下,俄克拉荷马州提出了削弱 2002 年禁止斗鸡处罚的提案。 2002-banned cockfighting penalties face weakening proposal in Oklahoma, with governor's support.
俄克拉荷马州于 2002 年禁止斗鸡,现在人们越来越担心对这项血腥运动的处罚力度减弱。 Oklahoma, where cockfighting was banned in 2002, faces growing concerns over the weakening of penalties for the bloody sport. 俄克拉荷马州众议院通过了一项削弱斗鸡处罚的提案,一个政治行动委员会正在筹集资金来支持饲养野鸡的农民。 A proposal to weaken cockfighting penalties cleared the Oklahoma House, and a political action committee is raising funds to support farmers who raise game fowl. 此外,共和党州长。 Additionally, Republican Gov. 凯文·斯蒂特录制了一条支持俄克拉荷马州猎禽委员会组织的信息。 Kevin Stitt recorded a message supporting the group known as the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission.