3月9日,76岁的大卫·约翰·福斯特(David John Foster)和77岁的罗莎琳·福斯特(Rosaline Foster)是一对英国夫妇,被发现死于卡里亚库的天堂海滩;当地报告称有人溺水。 76-year-old David John Foster and 77-year-old Rosaline Foster, a British couple, were found dead on Carriacou's Paradise Beach on 9 March; local reports suggest drowning.
一对英国夫妇大卫·约翰·福斯特(David John Foster,76 岁)和罗莎琳·福斯特(Rosaline Foster,77 岁)被发现死于格林纳达加勒比海卡里亚库岛的海滩上。 A British couple, David John Foster (76) and Rosaline Foster (77), were found dead on a beach on the Caribbean island of Carriacou, part of Grenada. 3 月 9 日,他们在天堂海滩被发现。 They were discovered on Paradise Beach on 9 March. 当地媒体报道称,这对夫妇显然是溺水身亡。 Local media reports suggest the couple died in an apparent drowning incident. 格林纳达皇家警察部队确认了这对夫妇的身份,并将进行尸检以确定他们的确切死因。 The Royal Grenada Police Force identified the couple and a post-mortem examination will be conducted to determine the exact cause of their deaths.