由于不安全的情况,温哥华螃蟹公园的合法无家可归者帐篷城将于 3 月 25 日暂时关闭一周。 Vancouver's legal tent city for homeless at Crab Park temporarily closes on 25th March for a week due to unsafe conditions.
由于不安全和不卫生的条件,温哥华唯一合法的无家可归者帐篷城螃蟹公园将于 3 月 25 日暂时关闭一周。 Vancouver's only legal tent city for homeless people at Crab Park is set to temporarily close on 25th March for a week due to unsafe and unhygienic conditions. 该市将利用这段时间清理碎片、不安全的建筑和危险材料。 The city will use the time to clean up debris, unsafe structures, and hazardous materials. 这座自 2021 年开始实施的帐篷城的居民对暂时关闭可能会演变成全面驱逐表示担忧。 Residents of the tent city, which began in 2021, have expressed concerns that the temporary closure could potentially turn into a complete eviction.