伊利诺伊州将从国家资助的医疗保健计划中剔除多达 6,000 名非美国绿卡持有者,为纳税人节省数百万美元。 Illinois to remove up to 6,000 non-U.S. green card holders from state-funded health care programs, saving taxpayers millions.
州长 J.B. Pritzker 的政府将从伊利诺伊州政府资助的医疗保健计划中删除多达 6,000 名非美国公民,从而为纳税人节省数百万美元。 Governor J.B. Pritzker's administration will remove up to 6,000 non-U.S. citizens from Illinois' state-funded health care programs, saving taxpayers millions of dollars. 拥有绿卡但尚未在美国完成五年等待期的受影响居民,到 5 月 1 日将不再有资格获得移民成人健康福利和移民老年人健康福利。 Affected residents, who have green cards but have not completed a five-year waiting period in the U.S., will no longer be eligible for Health Benefits of Immigrant Adults and Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors by May 1. 他们必须通过联邦《平价医疗法案》健康保险市场重新申请保险。 They must reapply for coverage through the federal Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace.