Grayscale 计划推出一只收费较低的比特币基金,即 Grayscale 比特币迷你信托基金,以持有的 GBTC 作为种子资金。 Grayscale plans to launch a lower-fee Bitcoin fund, the Grayscale Bitcoin Mini Trust, seeded with GBTC holdings.
灰度计划推出其旗舰产品灰度比特币信托(GBTC)的分拆项目,旨在为投资者提供较低费用的比特币投资。 Grayscale plans to launch a spin-off of its flagship Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) in an effort to offer investors lower-fee exposure to Bitcoin. 新基金名为 Grayscale Bitcoin Mini Trust,将以 GBTC 的部分持股作为种子资金,并以股票代码“BTC”进行交易。 The new fund, called the Grayscale Bitcoin Mini Trust, will be seeded with a portion of GBTC's holdings and will trade under the ticker "BTC". 现有 GBTC 股东将自动拥有 GBTC 和新迷你信托的股份,而不会产生应税事件。 Existing GBTC shareholders will automatically have shares of both GBTC and the new Mini Trust without creating a taxable event. 重新分配给新基金的比特币的确切数量以及涉及的管理费尚未披露。 The exact amount of Bitcoin to be reallocated to the new fund and the management fees involved remain undisclosed.