30岁的小奥托·波特(Otto Porter Jr.)自二月份收购以来就没有参加过比赛,被犹他爵士队裁掉;如果被新球队签下,则没有资格进入季后赛。 30-year-old Otto Porter Jr. waived by Utah Jazz after not appearing in a game since February acquisition; ineligible for playoffs if signed by a new team.
犹他爵士队裁掉了前锋小奥托·波特,自从二月份从多伦多猛龙队收购以来,他就没有为球队出场过。 The Utah Jazz have waived forward Otto Porter Jr., who had not appeared in a game for the team since being acquired from the Toronto Raptors in February. 30岁的波特本赛季为猛龙队出战15场比赛,场均贡献2.6分和1.9个篮板。 Porter, 30, averaged 2.6 points with 1.9 rebounds in 15 games for the Raptors this season. 在11个NBA赛季中,他在527场比赛中场均得到10.3分和4.9个篮板。 In 11 NBA seasons, he has averaged 10.3 points with 4.9 rebounds in 527 games. 波特在3月1日后被裁,因此如果他与新球队签约,他将没有资格进入季后赛。 Porter was waived after March 1, so if he signs with a new team, he would not be eligible for the playoffs.