乌克兰计划修建三条2000公里长的防御设施线。 Ukraine plans to build three 2,000-kilometer-long lines of fortified installations.
乌克兰总统泽连斯基主持召开最高统帅参谋部会议,讨论战场形势、弹药生产、工事建设等问题。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky chaired a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, discussing battlefield situations, ammunition production, and fortification construction. 泽连斯基宣布计划修建三道防御设施,每道长 2,000 公里,以应对俄罗斯春季潜在的进攻。 Zelensky announced plans for constructing three lines of fortified installations, each 2,000 km long, to counter potential Russian offensives in spring. 政府已为该项目拨款5.25亿美元,建设进展顺利。 The government has allocated $525m for this project, with construction progressing well.