洛杉矶县缓刑官员因涉嫌与青少年囚犯发生性关系而被捕。 Probation officer in LA County arrested for alleged sexual relationship with youth inmate.
洛杉矶县缓刑部 Los Angeles County Probation Dept. 在商业区的多萝西柯比中心逮捕了一名缓刑官员,原因是他涉嫌与一名青少年囚犯发生性关系。 arrested a probation officer for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a youth inmate at Dorothy Kirby Center in Commerce. 指控包括出于猥亵目的安排与未成年人会面、未经授权持有无线通信设备以及将违禁品带入监狱。 Charges include arranging a meeting with a minor for lewd purposes, unauthorized possession of a wireless communication device, and bringing contraband into a jail. 调查是在一名囚犯身上没收一部手机后开始的,最终发现了该警官与这名青少年被拘留者的关系。 The investigation began after a phone was seized from an inmate, leading to the discovery of the officer's relationship with the youth detainee.