在美国商务部长贸易代表团的支持下,微软将通过在线计划对 10 万名菲律宾女性进行人工智能和网络安全培训。 Microsoft to train 100,000 Filipino women in AI and cybersecurity via online program, supported by US Commerce Secretary's trade mission.
美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多 (Gina Raimondo) 率领的为期两天的贸易代表团表示,微软将为 10 万名菲律宾女性提供人工智能和网络安全方面的培训。 Microsoft to train 100,000 Philippine women on AI and cybersecurity, according to a two-day trade mission led by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. 该在线计划旨在为女性提供工作技能以及使用微软人工智能工具(包括 OpenAI 语言模型)识别网络安全威胁的能力。 The online program aims to equip women with workplace skills and the ability to identify cybersecurity threats using Microsoft's AI tools, including OpenAI's language models. 微软计划与政府机构和当地学校合作,为政府雇员提供培训。 Microsoft plans to partner with government agencies and local schools to provide the training to government employees.