30 岁的沙奎尔·格雷厄姆 (Shaquille Graham) 在伦敦卡特福德遭枪击身亡;警方调查正在进行中。 30-year-old Shaquille Graham fatally shot in Catford, London; police investigation ongoing.
周日凌晨 4 点 30 分左右,30 岁的沙奎尔·格雷厄姆在伦敦卡特福德百老汇被枪杀。 30-year-old Shaquille Graham was fatally shot at around 4:30 AM on Sunday in Catford Broadway, London. 大都会警察局侦探警司布莱恩·霍布斯敦促任何有线索的人挺身而出,以确保调查进展顺利。 Detective Superintendent Brian Hobbs of the Metropolitan Police is urging anyone with information to come forward, assuring that their investigation is progressing well. 格雷厄姆的朋友卢克·威尔逊表达了他的悲痛和对子孙后代的担忧。 Graham's friend, Luke Wilson, expressed his devastation and concern for future generations. 警方决心为格雷厄姆的家人和朋友伸张正义。 The police are determined to secure justice for Graham's family and friends.