21 岁的休斯敦火箭队中锋阿尔佩伦·森贡 (Alperen Sengun) 在一场比赛中摔倒,右腿笨拙地着地,坐在轮椅上离开球场。 21-year-old Houston Rockets center Alperen Sengun suffered a fall during a game, landing awkwardly on his right leg and leaving the court in a wheelchair.
21 岁的休斯敦火箭队中锋阿尔佩伦·森贡 (Alperen Sengun) 在对阵萨克拉门托国王队的比赛中摔倒,坐在轮椅上离开球场。 21-year-old Houston Rockets center Alperen Sengun suffered a frightening fall during a game against the Sacramento Kings, leaving the court in a wheelchair. Sengun 右腿笨拙地着地,需要队友的帮助才能被推离球场。 Sengun landed awkwardly on his right leg and needed help from his teammates before being wheeled off the court. 此次受伤正值火箭队专注于青少年培养,赛季只剩下18场比赛,进入西部附加赛的希望渺茫。 The injury comes as the Rockets focus on youth development, with only 18 games left in the season and a long shot to qualify for the Western Conference play-in.