多语言者与母语有着特殊的联系。 Multilinguals Hold Special Connection to Native Language.
一项新的研究表明,会说多种语言的人与母语表现出独特的联系。 Multilingual individuals show a unique connection to their native language, a new study reveals. 研究人员发现,大脑处理母语的工作量很小,与其他语言相比,听母语时,语言网络活动显着下降。 Researchers found that the brain processes native languages with minimal effort, with language network activity significantly dropping when listening to one's native tongue compared to other languages. 这表明一个人获得的第一语言对大脑处理有特殊的影响。 This suggests the first language one acquires has a special impact on brain processing.