4 月 11 日,吉米·巴菲特致敬音乐会“让派对继续下去”,众多艺术家将在好莱坞露天剧场 (Hollywood Bowl) 举行演出。 Jimmy Buffett tribute concert 'Keep the Party Going' features various artists at Hollywood Bowl on April 11.
吉米·巴菲特致敬音乐会“让派对继续进行:向吉米·巴菲特致敬”将于 4 月 11 日在洛杉矶好莱坞露天剧场 (Hollywood Bowl) 举行。 Jimmy Buffett tribute concert "Keep the Party Going: A Tribute to Jimmy Buffett" will take place on April 11 at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. 保罗·麦卡特尼、老鹰乐队、乔恩·邦·乔维、谢丽尔·克劳、杰克逊·布朗、埃里克·丘奇、布兰迪·卡莱尔、杰克·约翰逊、皮特布尔、杰克·欧文、肯尼·切斯尼、扎克·布朗和巴菲特的珊瑚礁乐队将在此次活动中表演。 The event will feature performances by Paul McCartney, Eagles, Jon Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow, Jackson Browne, Eric Church, Brandi Carlile, Jack Johnson, Pitbull, Jake Owen, Kenny Chesney, Zac Brown, and Buffett's Coral Reefer Band. 音乐会旨在庆祝已故吉米·巴菲特的生活和音乐,他以独特的讲故事和音乐融合而闻名,反映了他对世界的热爱。 The concert aims to celebrate the life and music of the late Jimmy Buffett, who was known for his unique blend of storytelling and music reflecting his love for the world.