越南夫妇在泰勒·斯威夫特新加坡演唱会上用歌曲《香槟问题》求婚。 Vietnamese couple proposes at Taylor Swift's concert in Singapore using "Champagne Problems" song.
越南情侣 Minh Anh Le 和 Uyen To Phuong Nguyen 在泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 新加坡演唱会期间向对方求婚,他们选择了《香槟问题》而不是流行的《爱情故事》来表达他们的浪漫时刻。 Vietnamese couple Minh Anh Le and Uyen To Phuong Nguyen proposed to each other during Taylor Swift's concert in Singapore, choosing "Champagne Problems" instead of the popular "Love Story" for their romantic moment. 这对夫妇自 2023 年 6 月得知斯威夫特将在新加坡演出以来就一直在计划。 The couple had been planning since June 2023 when they learned Swift would perform in Singapore. 在斯威夫特新加坡演唱会期间,又有三对情侣求婚,并在社交媒体上分享了视频。 Three more couples proposed during Swift's concert in Singapore, with videos shared on social media.