130 名国际会议与会者访问了阿塞拜疆舒沙,了解仇视伊斯兰教的行为和这座城市的重建。 130 international conference participants visited Shusha, Azerbaijan, to learn about Islamophobic acts and the city's restoration.
130 名国际会议与会者访问了阿塞拜疆舒沙,了解仇视伊斯兰教的行为以及这座城市在亚美尼亚占领 30 年后的恢复情况。 130 international conference participants visited Shusha, Azerbaijan, to learn about Islamophobic acts and the city's restoration after 30 years of Armenian occupation. 他们视察了舒沙堡垒城墙、尤卡里·戈夫哈尔·阿加清真寺和布尔布尔故居博物馆等历史遗迹。 They inspected historical sites, including the Walls of Shusha Fortress, Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque, and the house-museum of Bulbul. 这次访问旨在直接展示伊斯兰恐惧症对阿塞拜疆的影响。 The visit aimed to show firsthand the impact of Islamophobia on Azerbaijan.