津巴布韦马绍纳兰省的 47 个农场将被用于汉普登山的新首都,旨在缓解哈拉雷的交通拥堵。 47 farms in Zimbabwe's Mashonaland provinces will be used for a new capital city in Mt Hampden, aimed at decongesting Harare.
津巴布韦西马绍纳兰省和中马绍纳兰省的 47 个农场将被用于汉普登山的新首都,旨在缓解哈拉雷的交通拥堵。 47 farms in Zimbabwe's Mashonaland West and Mashonaland Central provinces will be used for a new capital city in Mt Hampden, aiming to decongest Harare. 基础设施工作已经开始,大部分预计将在 8 月南部非洲发展共同体峰会期间完成。 Infrastructure work has begun, with most expected to be completed by August for the SADC Summit. 该城市将容纳 150 万居民,并利用各种公私资金来源,在 10 年内分四期进行开发。 The city will accommodate 1.5 million residents and be developed in four phases over 10 years, using various public-private funding sources.