24 岁男子在谢菲尔德 Ponderosa 公园被刺伤身亡;谋杀案调查启动。 24-year-old man dies from stab wounds in Sheffield's Ponderosa Park; murder investigation launched.
24岁男子在谢菲尔德公园死亡;谋杀案调查启动:南约克郡警方正在调查一名 24 岁男子在谢菲尔德 Ponderosa 公园的死亡事件,发现他身上有多处刀伤。 24-year-old man dies in Sheffield park; murder probe launched: South Yorkshire Police are investigating the death of a 24-year-old man in Ponderosa Park, Sheffield, after he was found with multiple stab wounds. 格林威治标准时间周六 04:30 紧急服务人员被呼叫到现场,但尽管他们竭尽全力,该男子还是被宣布当场死亡。 Emergency services were called to the scene at 04:30 GMT on Saturday, but despite their efforts, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. 公园里的场景仍然存在,全天都会有更多的巡逻人员。 A scene remains in place at the park, and additional patrols will be present throughout the day.