中央邦国会对博帕尔秘书处火灾事件提出质疑,指控前总理希夫拉吉·辛格·乔汉纵火。 Madhya Pradesh Congress questions secretariat fire incidents in Bhopal, accusing former CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan of arson.
中央邦国会就博帕尔秘书处火灾提出质疑。 Madhya Pradesh Congress raises questions over secretariat fire in Bhopal. 国家秘书处大楼、Vallabh Bhawan 和其他部委已发生四次火灾,但没有任何解释或责任方已确定。 Fire has broken out four times in the state secretariat building, Vallabh Bhawan, and other ministries, with no explanation or responsible party identified. 国大党领袖乌芒·辛格 (Umang Singhar) 指责前首席部长希夫拉吉·辛格·乔汉 (Shivraj Singh Chauhan) 焚烧与其诈骗相关的文件。 Congress leader Umang Singhar accuses former chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan of burning files related to his scams. 大约 12 至 15 个消防队和警察已被部署来应对这一情况,并正在进行灭火工作。 Approximately 12 to 15 fire brigades and police force have been deployed to tackle the situation, with efforts to extinguish the fire ongoing. 目前还没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries have been reported.