波士顿棕熊队在交易截止日期前收购了 Maroon、Peeke,旨在打造更强大的季后赛阵容。 Boston Bruins acquire Maroon, Peeke ahead of trade deadline, aiming for stronger playoff roster.
波士顿棕熊队准备迎战匹兹堡企鹅队,在交易截止日期前收购后卫安德鲁·皮克和前锋帕特·马龙后,他们的目标是保持更稳定的表现。 The Boston Bruins prepare to host the Pittsburgh Penguins, aiming for steadier performances after acquiring defenseman Andrew Peeke and forward Pat Maroon ahead of the trade deadline. 三届斯坦利杯冠军马龙被从明尼苏达狂野队交易来换来前锋卢克·托波罗夫斯基和2026年第六轮有条件选秀权。 Maroon, a three-time Stanley Cup winner, was traded from the Minnesota Wild for forward Luke Toporowski and a 2026 sixth-round conditional draft pick. 棕熊队希望这些举措能够在季后赛临近时增强他们的阵容。 The Bruins hope these moves will strengthen their roster as they approach the playoffs.