北卡罗来纳州第9届国会选区选举结果被宣布为不确定。 North Carolina 9th Congressional District election results were declared inconclusive.
北卡罗来纳州共和党候选人马克·哈里斯获得第二次竞选国会的机会,北卡罗来纳州选举委员会宣布第九国会选区的选举结果因上一次选举中存在舞弊和篡改邮寄选票的指控而不确定。 North Carolina's Mark Harris, a Republican candidate, receives a second chance to run for Congress as the North Carolina State Board of Elections declared the 9th Congressional District's election results inconclusive due to allegations of fraud and tampering with mail-in ballots in the previous election. 董事会下令进行新的选举,使哈里斯再次获得国会席位的机会。 The board ordered a new election, granting Harris another shot at a seat in Congress.