沙迦外商直接投资办公室与商业年合作创建“商业年:沙迦 2024/2025”报告。 Sharjah FDI Office partners with The Business Year to create "The Business Year: Sharjah 2024/2025" report.
沙迦外国直接投资办公室(投资沙迦)与全球研究公司 The Business Year 签署了一份谅解备忘录,以编制《商业年度:沙迦 2024/2025》报告,揭示沙迦酋长国的经济环境和投资机会。 Sharjah FDI Office (Invest in Sharjah) signed an MoU with global research firm The Business Year to create the "The Business Year: Sharjah 2024/2025" report, revealing the emirate's economic climate and investment opportunities. 此次合作旨在展示沙迦的发展,并与沙迦投资局扩大网络并与有影响力的参与者合作的努力保持一致。 This partnership aims to showcase Sharjah's growth and aligns with Invest in Sharjah's efforts to expand its network and collaborate with influential players.