康涅狄格州纽因顿市的 Rooster Co. 餐厅在全国馅饼日被 Yelp 评为该州最好的馅饼——咖喱鸡肉馅饼。 Rooster Co., a Newington, CT restaurant, was named by Yelp as having the state's best pie, a curried chicken pot pie, on National Pie Day.
Rooster Co. 是康涅狄格州纽因顿一家专门提供鸡肉菜肴的餐厅,被 Yelp 评为拥有该州最好的馅饼。 Rooster Co., a Newington, CT restaurant specializing in chicken dishes, has been named by Yelp as having the state's best pie. 由 KC 和 Jaime Ward 于 2015 年创立的 Rooster Co. 的咖喱鸡肉馅饼在 3 月 14 日的全国馅饼日入选 Yelp 的“50 个州,您需要尝试的 50 个馅饼”列表。 The curried chicken pot pie at Rooster Co., founded by KC and Jaime Ward in 2015, was selected in Yelp's "50 states, 50 pies you need to try" list for National Pie Day on March 14. 馅饼包括咖喱鸡、根类蔬菜、椰奶和开心果粉。 The pie includes curried chicken, root vegetables, coconut milk, and ground pistachios.