欧盟和德国向阿尔巴尼亚提供 8800 万美元用于地拉那的电动公交车线路,以帮助其加入欧盟的努力。 EU and Germany provide $88m to Albania for electric bus lines in Tirana, aiding EU membership efforts.
欧盟和德国将向阿尔巴尼亚提供 8800 万美元,将其位于地拉那的 3 条主要公交线路实现电动化,帮助该国努力满足欧盟成员资格要求。 The EU and Germany will provide Albania with $88 million to turn its three main bus lines in Tirana electric, contributing to the country's efforts to meet EU membership requirements. 欧盟将提供3400万美元赠款,德国复兴信贷银行将贷款5400万美元,地拉那市政府将投资3160万美元。 The EU will give a $34 million grant, KFW Development Bank will loan $54 million, and Tirana municipality will invest $31.6 million. 这将是阿尔巴尼亚第一个电动快速公交系统,旨在改善公共交通服务并减少排放。 This will be the first electric Bus Rapid Transport system in Albania, aiming to improve public transport service and reduce emissions.